Protesters in Hong Kong waive the American Flag and sing the National Anthem, why?

Pray for China. Protesters in Hong Kong waive the American Flag and sing the National Anthem, why? They crave freedom because every human has a God given right to be free.

America is one of the last free nations with a constitution that helps people protect our God given human rights. Why is it that in America immigrants are the first to stand against tyranny and support freedom while a great number of native-born Americans are the first abolish individual liberty for the illusion of security? Could it be because native born Americans have been spoiled by the freedoms our forefathers so desperately fought for? If we cannot learn from our past, then history is doomed to repeat itself. There may come a day where we will crave freedom as much as those who have been starved of it.

I say we stand NOW while we still have the tools to fight a tyrannical government. Our Republic is structured in a way that corruption cannot exist unless WE THE PEOPLE allow it. We need to get involved in our State and Federal Government, identify those who do not obey the law, and vote representatives in that will support our God given rights to be free. I guarantee those who seek to strip us from our liberty have severely underestimated the response of a motivated and informed American public.

Join the fight for freedom if you have not already, and those fighting in the trenches stay strong. We are indeed the land of the free and the home of the brave. Let’s keep it that way.


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