Salute to those who will stand firm in God’s word among the storm.

Sometimes we are called to do things that are hard, uncomfortable, or that we know we will be persecuted for. We are living in the age of misinformation, propagandized media, and out of control government representatives.


Folks that stand for righteousness are ridiculed and those who support mainstream lies are praised. Standing up for God’s word and righteousness is becoming more difficult as the grips of an evil agenda is being forced upon the people to limit free speech, criminalize truth, take ownership of our children, and remove our right to our own bodies. It can get lonely as standing for truth can ruin relationships with family and friends. But, we only have one life, and those who stand for what is right are willing to sacrifice anything to stand firm against evil schemes of this world. Salute to those who will not let the one life we have go to waste, and will stand firm in God’s word like a tree firmly rooted in the midst of a storm. You inspire us all, and future generations will learn to take action from your activism. I for one will never stop standing until my last breath. Our children and future generations depend on our strength so that they may have the chance to live free, and preserve freedom for generations that follow.

We will not comply. We will not conform. We are the resistance. Together we are strong. ✊🏼


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